Bachelor in Philosophy

University of Tripoli - Department of Philosophy



Since the establishment of the Department of (Philosophy) at the University of Tripoli as one of the departments of the College of Education in 1971-1972 AD, today the Department of (Philosophy) includes a group of professors specialized in the field of philosophy and thought in general. accredited by the university. It also grants a master’s degree and a doctoral degree in philosophy in its various disciplines, according to a well-studied and approved scientific program. The Department of Philosophy adopts a policy of preparing local human cadres who are scientifically and intellectually qualified. To contribute to community development.


1-Linking the university to community issues and local and global aspirations. 

2- Scientific and academic qualification, and development of quality culture. 

3- Work to create a mentally open generation who are independent and utilize constructive thinking in judging community issues and challenges. 

4-Graduation of intellectually and politically qualified cadres to work in official State departments and civil society institutions, and to contribute to the service of society and the environment.


The outputs of the philosophy department are based on the preparation of a qualifying educational program, through which it seeks to promote intellectual personality, develop intellectual independence, introduce cultural and intellectual heritage, and open up the horizons for reflection on issues that have constantly preoccupied human thought from ancient times to contemporary times. In addition, it seeks to develop areas of scientific and political research, through creative participation in scientific research that contributes to addressing many issues and solving the problems facing our society today. 

Certificate Rewarded

Bachelor degree in Philosophy

Entry Reuirements

1- A student must be a holder of a general or specialized secondary certificate or equivalent certificates recognized by the competent authority of recognition. 

2- The regular student shall be full-time in the college, shall not be enrolled in any other college or institute, and shall be subject to the requirements of the relevant department in accordance to their capacity. 

3- .a student’s percentage should not be less than the percentage determined by the University of Tripoli, which is announced annually and shortly after the announcement of the results of the specialized secondary examinations in their respective roles and so forth. 

4- International students may be admitted to scholarships at the community expense in accordance with the grounds and rules for admission of Libyan students. The College's People's Committee may set conditions for the admission of non-Libyan students to study at their own expense in accordance with the legislation in force. 

5- International applicants are committed to pay fees and tuition expenses in accordance with the regulations, decisions and legislation of the University. 

6- A student must be healthy, free of infectious diseases and able to pursue theoretical and practical lessons.

  7- A student must pass the personal interview exam successfully in the sections that require it. 

Study Plan

The Bachelor in Philosophy prepares students to qualify for Bachelor in Philosophy. The student studies several subjects which have been carefully chosen in this major to cover its different aspects.

It comprises 9 Semesters of study, in which the student will study a total of 120 units, which include 16 units of general subjects, and 94 major units, 12 of elective units. In addition to a final project in the student's major.

Study plan for this program is shown below:

1st Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
102 Philosophical terms 02 Compulsory +

-Introducing the most important terms related to various philosophical topics.-Preparing the student with knowledge of the most important philosophical terms to which he is exposed during his study of philosophy.-Focus on the importance of using philosophical and linguistic dictionaries to understand the true meaning of the philosophical term.

103 History of political thought 02 Compulsory +

This course aims to study the emergence and development of political thought across different historical eras, from the emergence of political societies until now.

104 Greek philosophy 1 02 Compulsory +

- Providing the student with the basic concepts and terminology used in political science.-Definition of political philosophy and the relationship between philosophy and politics.-Models in political theories (Greek era and Islamic thought).

105 Eastern philosophy 02 Compulsory +

-Make a connection to the past.-Study of the most important Eastern schools of thought.- Standing at the first forms of human thinking.-Study of the first philosophical terms and concepts that appeared in the East.

101 Introduction to philosophy 02 Compulsory +

-The course aims to provide a general introduction to philosophy.- Enabling students to know the most important philosophical problems.

2nd Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
107 Greek philosophy -B 02 Compulsory 104 +

-Attention to the impact that previous philosophical schools had on Socrates on subsequent schools.- Study of the Greek thought of Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, and the schools of the Hellenistic era (Little Socrates, Epicureanism, Stoicism, Neo-Platonism).

113 Philosophical psychology 02 Compulsory 101 +

-Connecting the link between philosophy and psychology.-Study issues related to the self and their roots intellectually.-The most important schools of psychology and the impact of philosophy on them.- Interest in studying everything related to the soul in the West and in the Islamic heritage.

406 English philosophical terms 02 Compulsory 102 +

- Introducing the student to the importance of philosophical terminology, especially in the English language.-Enhancing the ability to use terminology correctly.- Explaining that the term is the basis for the study of any science.

401 Medieval philosophy 02 Compulsory 101 +

-Explaining the true perception of the goals and methods in medieval thought.- Researching the basic issues in Islamic and Christian philosophy: God - the world - man.-Writing a new history of medieval philosophy.- Clearing philosophical thought in the medium from false problems.

202 Islamic philosophy 02 Compulsory 104 +

- Explaining the true perception of Muslims’ goals and approaches.- Researching the basic issues in Islamic philosophy: God - the world - man.-Writing a new history of Islamic philosophy.- Clearing philosophical thought in Islam from false problems.

304 Political philosophy A 02 Compulsory 102 103 +

- Providing the student with the basic concepts and terminology used in political science.Definition of political philosophy and the relationship between philosophy and politics.-Models in political theories (Greek era and Islamic thought).

3rd Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
404 Mysticism 02 Compulsory 102 105 +

-Introducing Sufism.-The difference between it and other specializations: jurisprudence, theology, and philosophy.-Study the spiritual side of Islam.-Linking Sufism with philosophy.

506 Philosophical research hall 02 Compulsory 101 102 +

- Introducing the student to the most important basic rules for writing research.-Knowing the types of scientific research and comparing them.- Identify the most important steps for sound scientific thinking.- Identifying the most important scientific characteristics of scientific research.

503 Modern philosophy -A 02 Compulsory 104 +

- Building students’ capabilities in order to bring about development and change through peaceful and creative means, in parallel with the development of this philosophy in its previous stage.

403 Formal Logic 02 Compulsory 101 104 +

-The course aims to introduce Aristotelian formal logic and the human need to think logically.-Provide a brief overview of the history of logical thinking before Aristotle, the founder of formal logic.

114 Philosophy of history 02 Compulsory 202 +

-Introducing the subject of history: meaning to whom does the historian date?-Does the historian have the right to wear the uniform of judges to judge the actions of historical figures?-What determines the course of history?

4th Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
606 Ethics - A 02 Compulsory 104 +

-Learning about the concept of ethics in ancient philosophies.-Familiarity with the concept of human values.-Learning about relevant Islamic ethics.-Study of moral doctrines and trends in modern and contemporary philosophies.

402 Political philosophy B 02 Compulsory 304 +

-The course aims to introduce the philosophy of politics.-Enabling students to know political philosophy in the modern era.

115 Philosophy of religions 02 Compulsory 202 404 +

-Introducing religion and the human need for it in every time and place.-Comparing religions to show the commonalities between religions.-The role of Muslims in studying and innovating the science of comparative religions.

405 Aesthetics- A 02 Compulsory 503 +

-Learning about the philosophy of art, its development, its basic issues, aesthetics and its problems.- Cultivating aesthetic taste and improving taste.-Study of theories of artistic creativity.

501 Philosophy of science - A 02 Compulsory 102 +

- The course aims to introduce the concept of science and to compare science and the philosophy of science.- Providing a clear picture of the existing relationships between the philosophy of science and the theory of knowledge, between it and the history of science, and methods of philosophical research.- Identifying the characteristics of scientific thinking and its development throughout the ages.

303 Philosophy of civilization A 02 Compulsory 114 202 +

-Learning about the relationship between philosophy and history as a record of civilizations.- Identify the basic relevant concepts.- Identifying the study method in civilization and distinguishing it from other fields of knowledge and its development.- Studying various theories, dimensions of civilization, and contemporary concepts in the field.

5th Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
604 Methodology 02 Compulsory 104 +

Identifying the historical origins and conceptual development of curriculum science.Knowing the types of philosophical approaches and identifying the crisis of the approach and its problems in Islamic philosophy.Identifying the standards of honesty and lying in philosophical thinking methods.Knowing the relationship of method to other sciences.

602 Modern philosophy B 02 Compulsory 503 +

Building students’ capabilities to bring about development and change through peaceful and creative means, in parallel with the development of this philosophy in its previous stage. Promoting the language of dialogue within one community and with other communities.Empowering male and female students to improve their social, economic and political reality. Organizing and coordinating students’ intellectual and philosophical work that serves human society in general

601 Philosophy of Science - B 02 Compulsory 501 +

- The course aims to introduce the concept of science and to compare science and the philosophy of science.- Providing a clear picture of the existing relationships between the philosophy of science and the theory of knowledge, between it and the history of science, and methods of philosophical research.- Identifying the characteristics of scientific thinking and its development throughout the ages.

707 Philosophy of issues A 02 Compulsory 503 +

Students interact with philosophical problems and issues.Creating ideas and symbols through problematic philosophical questioning. For many problems of philosophy.Distinguishing between question problems and answer problems in the philosophical field.Identify the nature of philosophical discussion, its ideological sources, and the difference between it and scientific discussion.

116 Philosophy of values 02 Compulsory 606 +

Recognizing that values ​​are objective, relative and absolute.The student’s awareness that there are fixed values ​​and there are variable values.Linking human values ​​and existence.Characteristics of Islamic values ​​throughout the history of Islamic civilization.

706 Comparative philosophy A 02 Compulsory 303 +

An explanation of the humanism that prevails in enlightenment and the works of reason.Presenting the most important modern issues that affect human thought in general.Traveling with the student in the space of thought and trying to highlight his creative powers.

6th Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
702 Philosophy of knowledge A 02 Compulsory 501 503 +

Recognizing the concept of knowledge linguistically and idiomatically.Knowing the types of knowledge and identifying its most important means.Identify the various sources and sources of knowledge among philosophers.Identifying the characteristics and areas of types of knowledge, whether sensory, rational, or prophetic.

701 Ethics B 02 Compulsory 606 +

Identify the concept of ethics in ancient philosophies.Familiarity with the concept of human values.Identify relevant Islamic ethics.Study of moral doctrines and trends in modern and contemporary philosophies.

704 Contemporary philosophy A 02 Compulsory 503 602 +

Introducing contemporary philosophy from its beginnings and paying attention to its general features and characteristics that distinguish it from others.Introducing the student to the most important figures and early trends in contemporary philosophy.Introducing the most important philosophical doctrines and schools in the second half of the twentieth century.Presenting the most important contemporary theories that influenced contemporary philosophical thought.

109 Philosophy of man in the Quran 02 Elective 202 +

-Study of the intellectual revolution brought about by the Holy Qur’an-Features that distinguish Quranic discourseThe Holy Qur’an is essentially a means of understanding the visible universe, and this is the secret of its permanence and suitability for all human times- Studying the concept of man based on the Holy Quran.

803 Comparative Philosophy B 02 Compulsory 706 +

Recognizing the humanism that prevails in enlightenment and the works of reason.Presenting the most important modern issues that affect human thought in general.Traveling with the student in the space of thought and trying to highlight his creative powers.

7th Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
802 Philosophy of knowledge B 02 Compulsory 702 +

-Learning about the concept of knowledge linguistically and idiomatically.-Knowing the types of knowledge and identifying its most important means.- Identifying the various sources and sources of knowledge among philosophers.-Recognizing the characteristics and areas of types of knowledge, whether sensory, rational, or prophetic.

804 Philosophy of issues B 02 Compulsory 707 +

Students interact with philosophical problems and issues.Creating ideas and symbols through problematic philosophical questioning. For many problems of philosophy.Distinguishing between question problems and answer problems in the philosophical field.Identify the nature of philosophical discussion, its ideological sources, and the difference between it and scientific discussion .

110 Philosophy of law 02 Elective 403 +

-Looking at legal issues from a philosophical angle.-In an attempt to reach a statement of the link between legal rules and jurisprudential jurisprudence rules..-Linking philosophy and law in terms of universals and the idea of ​​obligation.

111 Studies in Orientalism 02 Elective 115 304 +

-The course aims to introduce foresight and what orientalists aim to achieve behind this-Science of the Islamic East in preparation for military invasion.-The role of the Orientalists in carrying out the intellectual invasion to pass the Western project to control other peoples of the world.

305 Philosophy of civilization B 02 Compulsory 303 +

-Learning about the concept of ethics in ancient philosophies.-Familiarity with the concept of human values.-Learning about relevant Islamic ethics.-Study of moral doctrines and trends in modern and contemporary philosophies.

8th Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
801 Contemporary philosophy B 02 Compulsory 704 +

-The student’s introduction to the most important contemporary intellectual trends.-Knowing the types of contemporary intellectual currents and comparing them.- Identifying the most important issues of contemporary intellectual trends.

502 Mathematical logic A 02 Compulsory 403 +

-The course aims to introduce logic as an instrument of thought that protects the mind from error.- The course aims to identify the logical terms of mathematical logic, their contents and dimensions .- The course aims to identify the types of logical propositions, constants, and logical functions In order to apply it when constructing honesty tables.

705 Philosophy of language A 02 Compulsory 704 +

- Introducing the student to the concept of philosophy of language- Enabling the student to recognize the relationship of philosophy to language, its function, and its relationship to thought-Enabling the student to study the history of the philosophy of language in ancient Arab philosophical and literary thought.- Identifying the most important contemporary linguistic philosophical theories.

703 Methodology B 02 Compulsory 604 +

- Identifying the historical origins and conceptual development of curriculum science.- Knowing the types of philosophical approaches and identifying the crisis of the approach and its problems in Islamic philosophy.- Identifying the standards of honesty and lying in philosophical thinking methods.- Knowing the relationship of method to other sciences.

608 Philosophical texts 02 Compulsory 102 +

- Introducing the student to the importance of philosophical terminology, especially in the English language.- Enhancing the ability to use terminology correctly.- Explaining that the term is the basis for the study of any science.

605 Philosophy of economics A 02 Compulsory 602 +

-The course aims to introduce the philosophy of economics.-Enabling students to know the most important economic problems and develop solutions for them.-Introducing the student to the most important contemporary economic theories and criticizing them in a systematic manner.

9th Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
708 Economic philosophy -B 02 Compulsory 605 +

- The course aims to introduce the philosophy of economics.- Enabling students to know the most important economic problems and develop solutions for them.- Introducing the student to the most important contemporary economic theories and criticizing them in a systematic manner.

603 Mathematical logic B 02 Compulsory 502 +

- The course aims to identify the logical terms of mathematical logic, their contents and dimensions.- The course aims to identify the types of logical propositions, constants, and logical functions.- In order to apply it when constructing honesty tables.

505 Aesthetics B 02 Compulsory 405 +

- Identifying the philosophy of art, its development, its basic issues, aesthetics and its problems.- Cultivating aesthetic taste and improving taste.- Studying theories of artistic creativity.

805 Philosophy of Language B 02 Compulsory 705 +

- Enabling the student to recognize the relationship of philosophy to language, its function, and its relationship to thought.- Enabling the student to study the history of the philosophy of language in ancient Arab philosophical and literary thought.- Identifying the most important contemporary linguistic philosophical theories.

807 graduation project 04 Compulsory 603 704 +

-Introducing the student to the most important basic rules in writing research.. - Knowing the types of scientific research and comparing them. - Identifying the most important correct methods in sound scientific writing, and the correct methods of recording sources and references in scientific material.