Department of Apecial education

Word Of the Head Department of Apecial education

In the name of Allah, and peace and blessings be upon our Master Muhammad. The special education department is one of the departments at the College of Education. This department was established due to the community's need for a group of qualified teachers, both theoretically and practically, to care for a significant segment of society, namely individuals with special needs. The objectives of the special education department vary, including the preparation of qualified educational cadres to work in the field of special education, capable of providing educational services and teaching. Additionally, it aims to equip students with the necessary practical skills and experiences to work with this group, and to develop educational performance methods through scientific research to create more effective teaching methods and curricula.


The special education department aspires to leadership and excellence in achieving efficient outcomes in the design and implementation of training, educational, and rehabilitation programs and activities for individuals with special needs at the local and regional levels.


One of the specialized educational departments at the College of Education in Tripoli, which was established to prepare trained human resources capable of rehabilitating, educating, and training individuals with special needs, in line with the global trend of human rights and equal opportunities for all individuals in education and employment. The department also hopes to open a graduate program that includes a diploma in special education, as well as master's and doctoral degrees.


• Preparing qualified educational cadres to work in the field of special education, capable of providing educational, rehabilitation, and training services.• Providing students with the necessary practical skills and experiences to work with this group in various educational environments.• Linking the department with community institutions through exchanging experiences, as well as contributing to providing scientific solutions to the problems faced by individuals with special needs in society.• Developing educational performance methods through scientific research to create more efficient teaching methods and curricula.• Establishing laboratories that serve this specialty and conducting frequent field visits to institutes, centers, and government and private social institutions that include different segments of this special group, such as talented and disabled individuals, to closely observe and develop a comprehensive understanding of them.• Providing educational and scientific consultations and collaborating with social institutions that are concerned with children with special needs.• Working on creating a work environment and relationships that promote a sense of belonging to the department, college, and community.• Establishing and disseminating the foundations, concepts, and practices of quality among all department members.• Maximizing the use of modern technological means, information technology, cognitive and research capabilities in the field of special education.

Organizational Structure for Department of Apecial education

Facts about Department of Apecial education

We are proud of what we offer to the world and the community




Academic Staff



