Bachelor in English

faculty of Education Tripoli - Department of English Language




The program of the English Language Department at the Faculty of Education in Tripoli was established to be a source for graduating qualified teachers with high quality in teaching English language through the adoption of a comprehensive study plan that includes various courses in language, literature, translation and a number of educational and general materials, with updating the   and development   the  study plan periodically to achieve the objectives of the department‘s educational program , and to meet the needs of the  labor market. The department is also very keen to provide the needs of Libyan educational institutions by providing qualified educational cadres to teach English language, in line with the spirit of the times and modern teaching requirements.  The department currently employs (28) qualified faculty members who graduated from different national and international universities and hold higher degrees in different English language specializations, ranging in degrees from assistant lecturer, lecturer, assistant professor, associate professor and professor. The department seeks to enrich the educational process using modern strategies and technologies in teaching in order to support students and help them develop their various language skills to be able to teach different language skills and elements in the future after completing the graduation requirements of the program.


The Department of English Language, Faculty of Education, Tripoli, is one of the important departments and seeks to achieve the following objectives:

1. Preparing the training of teachers capable of teaching English in the basic and intermediate education stages.

2. Refining students' abilities in various language skills through the use of teaching strategies and modern technology.

3. Providing an effective academic environment by providing programs for teaching English language an integrated study that includes various language sciences, theories, literature, and modern teaching strategies.

4. Training students practically to teach English as a second language using various modern technologies in language learning and teaching.

5. Developing students' abilities to creativity, self-evaluation and critical thinking skills.

6. Training students to prepare research and reports in the field of language teaching and link them to community issues.


The English language program periodically reviews its objectives and aligns these objectives with the program's outputs. The outputs of the program vary and are reflected in the ability of graduates to engage in the labor market, the diversity of research, graduation projects, and community contributions made by those enrolled in the program. Due to the diversity of the contents of the study plan of the program and the need of the local market for the English language major, the graduates of the program can work as:

1. A teacher in the education sector in Primary, Elementary and Secondary schools in both public and private education sector.

2. A researcher in some research centers and educational institutions.

3. An employee in ministries, companies, departments and administrative offices.

4. An employee of telecommunications companies.

5. A tour guide.

6. An editor in the field of press, radio and media.

7. Translator or proofreader in translation offices.

Certificate Rewarded

The student is awarded a Bachelor's degree in English language from the College of Education.

Entry Reuirements

A student who wishes to join the English Department program must meet the following conditions:

1. To have a high school certificate with a grade of good or above.

2. To have language abilities that qualify him/her to successfully pass the personal interview exam in the educational department, and then the acceptance exam to gain differentiation in the department.

3. Submit the required documents to the Registration Section.

4. To be medically fit to follow up on academic lectures.

5. To be of good conduct and not dismissed from the study at any educational institution.

6. To abide all laws and regulations and in which in force by the faculty.

Study Plan

The Bachelor in English prepares students to qualify for Bachelor in English. The student studies several subjects which have been carefully chosen in this major to cover its different aspects.

It comprises 8 Semesters of study, in which the student will study a total of 140 units, which include 40 units of general subjects, and 96 major units, 4 of elective units. In addition to a final project in the student's major.

Study plan for this program is shown below:

1st Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
EPSY 100 General Psychology 02 Compulsory +

The concept of general psychology. The objectives of psychology and the variables that govern behavior, types of branches of psychology. The most important concepts and principles related to psychology. Research methods in general psychology, general psychological laws of human behavior. Schools of Psychology - Nervous System and Behavior. Higher mental processes, learning, the concept of stimulus and response, the concept of intelligence, perception, sensation, remembering, forgetting, and thinking. Motivation: Defining motivation and the different classifications of motives that can be limited to biological and physiological motives, employing psychological knowledge and educational concepts to serve the educational process.

EPSY101 Fundamentals of Education 02 Compulsory +

It clarifies the historical, philosophical and social foundations of education, and clarifies the relationship between education and society, its goals and aspirations. Learn about the methods and skills that help educators perform their tasks efficiently.

ENG106 Phonetics1 04 Compulsory +

After a short introduction to what Phonetics is all about, the course provides discussions on the place and manner of articulation of the speech organs, the consonant and vowel sounds in English and a presentation of the Cardinal Vowel Diagram. It also provides practice to improve the students’ pronunciation skills.

ENG105 Writing 1 04 Compulsory +

The main objective of this course is to reinforce what the student is supposed to learn in high school and build basic writing skills, the student learns how to classify sentences and provide them with various topics to develop writing skill, and they also deal with writing rules, spelling and punctuation marks to improve their writing.

ENG104 Listening&Speaking 1 04 Compulsory +

This course aims to improve listening and speaking skills for students in the first semester. They will engage in speaking and listening by watching to different types of topics in presentations and PPT slides. In this level students will be able to speak about everyday English language, social and practical topics.

ENG103 Reading Comprehension 1 02 Compulsory +

This course aims to develop basic reading skills and expands their mental lexicon and linguistic structures. Students can read and understand simple sentences and structures. They will be able to identify the meanings of the parts of speech, punctuation, types of words, functional or content. He will also be able to identify the meaning of affixes through exercises and drills.

ENG102 Grammar 1 04 Compulsory +

Summarized course: This course is designed to present general knowledge of the different parts of speech. It provides students with understanding and using of the basic tenses / verbs (simple present, simple past, present progressive, past progressive), nouns (count & non-count), articles, quantifiers, pronouns (subject, object, possessive, reflexive, reciprocal), demonstratives, adjectives, possessives, comparatives and adverbs

CS100 computer 1 02 University requirement +

This course covers the following main headings, which are the uses of the computer - its types - the binary digital system - the physical components of the computer - types of software - computer networks - the basics of the Internet - computer crimes and data security and protection.

AR103 Arabic language 1 02 University requirement +

Students apply the rules, especially the principles of writing, during the lecture, which are as follows: . The word: its meaning and its divisions - Noun, verb and a letter signs. - . Types of nouns, types of verbs - . Types of nouns, types of verbs - .Al-Ta'a Al-Morbouta and Al-Ta'a Al-Maftoha'ah - The difference between close letters. - - Elementary Hamza (section at the beginning of the word, and linking) definition, drawing method, pronunciation, location, originality and addition, placements, the rule of distinction between the two ( types of Hamza). - General applications on the vocabulary of the course through the texts of the Holy Qur’an, the Prophet’s Sunnah, and the eyes of poetry and prose, provided that their number is not less than ten texts, which the student is required to have, provided that exam questions do not deviate from them.

2nd Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
CS101 Computer 2 02 University requirement CS100 +

This course gives the student a quick introduction to: computers, their operating system, application programs, windows and their uses, Paint, notebooks, Internet browsers, and the use of application programs, Word, Excel, and Power Point in practice. Where the practical part is considered the largest part for acquiring practical skills, and these programs will help the student in completing his duties, his graduation project, and in his practical life after graduation.

EPSY 201 General Teaching Methods 02 Compulsory +

The student acquires some cognitive, emotional and skill aspects of education related to teaching and its methods that help them in teaching general education curricula. The student is characterized by the moral values and positive attitudes required by the teaching profession. The student has the ability to use modern teaching methods that emphasize the learners' activity and positivity and take into account the individual differences among them. The student formulates behavioral goals in its various fields (cognitive, emotional, and psychomotor): He has the ability to plan effectively (daily, quarterly, and annual), and he has the ability to manage the classroom effectively.

AR104 Arabic language 2 02 University requirement AR103 +

Students apply the rules, especially the principles of writing, during the lecture, and they are as follows: . Construction and syntax, and the building of nouns, verbs and letters- . Conditions of syntax, and its original and sub-signs- . Applications on the primary Hamza- . The provisions of the moderate and extreme Hamza- Soft Alaff. - - Administrative writing: application, its contents, formulation, forms: university application, job, transfer, loan. - General applications on the vocabulary of the course through the texts of the Holy Qur’an, the Prophet’s Sunnah, and from a prospective of poetry and prose, provided that their number is not less than ten texts, which the student is required to have, provided that exam questions do not deviate from them.

ENG107 English Grammar 2 02 Compulsory ENG102 +

The course is about improving the grammatical accuracy of the students and helps them produce correct sentences. It acquaints students with different types of tenses, and enables them to differentiate between those types of tenses and generate sentences accordingly.

ENG108 Reading Comprehension 2 02 Compulsory ENG103 +

This course develops reading skills and vocabulary which students have learned in the previous course. It also addresses a variety of reading materials for the purpose of learning to read at a high speed level. Students study how to interpret, analyse and evaluate ideas in texts.

ENG109 Listening & Speaking 2 04 Compulsory ENG104 +

This course aims to: Develop the student's skills in speaking and listening in English, as well as developing the student's ability to understand and translate what he hears from conversations. The course also aims to enhance students' skills in building a conversation with colleagues, through scheduled training and a variety of assessment methods. As well as developing his listening skills and understanding the content of the conversation The course focuses on developing the student's listening and speaking skills through group and individual training and activities.

ENG110 Writing 2 04 Compulsory ENG105 +

This course aims to prepare students to write academic paragraphs while various rhetorical modes are presented. Writing techniques are the basis of this course. Students learn to build sentences, arrange paragraphs and distinguish its parts. They are trained to write different types of paragraphs on different subjects

ENG111 Phonetics 2 02 Compulsory ENG106 +

Students are introduced to syllables, word stress and sentence stress. The course also concentrates on showing students different sounds of consonant clusters, discussions of different aspects of connected speech and the different types of intonation. Practice exercises on pronunciation and transcription of sentences and paragraphs are also found in this course.

EPSY 203 Developmental Psychology 02 General EPSY 100 +

Course shortdescription: The course aims to acquire the student: The concept of growth. Growth demands, laws of growth. The theoretical and applied importance of studying developmental psychology. Factors affecting the growth process - genetic factors - environmental factors - other factors). Research Methods in Developmental Psychology:( The historical curriculum - the descriptive approach - the experimental approach - the clinical approach), the stages of child development, its manifestations, gender differences, and its educational applications Childhood problems, adolescence - concept - definition, demands of growth in adolescence. The theoretical and applied importance of studying the psychology of adolescence. Factors affecting the development of the adolescent's personality: (vital factors - environmental factors - other factors) Stages of adolescent development, its manifestations, gender differences, and its educational applications: (adulthood - early adolescence. middle adolescence - late adolescence - adolescence problems

3rd Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
EPSY 200 Educational Psychology 02 Compulsory EPSY 100 +

Mini description The concept, importance and goals of learning psychology. The most important concepts and principles related to the psychology of learning, research methods in educational psychology, understanding the learning process and its conditions. Learning theories, and how to benefit from them in the educational situation. Comparison between learning theories and their educational applications. The importance of transferring the impact of learning as a result of the learning process. The concept of intelligence, special abilities, individual differences, and factors affecting them. The concept of motivation, and providing students with concepts about it, and how to provoke it for them. The student acquired the skill of educational evaluation, building achievement tests, employing knowledge, and psychological educational concepts to serve the educational process.

EPSY 202 Basics Of Curriculums 02 Compulsory EPSY 203 +

The mini-description recognizes the importance of studying curriculum science and recognizes the concepts associated with the school curriculum. Compares the main trends about the concept of the school curriculum and its theories, historical stages, and the factors of its development and improvement It accommodates the components of the school curriculum system, and its Islamic rooting. Acquire the skill of formulating educational objectives. Understand the extent of integration and overlap of the processes of building the school curriculum, understand the foundations of building the school curriculum. Increase the knowledge and skill necessary to analyze the school curriculum. Compare the different organizations for building the school curriculum. To understand the great burden that falls on him as a future teacher in the process of implementing the curriculum. Recognizes the importance of evaluating and developing the school curriculum. To be aware of the importance of his role as a teacher in the process of evaluating and developing the curriculum

ST100 Principles of statistics 02 University requirement +

This course introduces the basic concepts in descriptive statistics by introducing the methods of collecting data and arranging it, how to present them in frequency tables, and representing these tables with an appropriate graph, as well as introducing the students to the methods of data analysis using measures of central tendency, measures of dispersion, measures of torsion and flattening, and comparing the characteristics of these different scales.

ENG217 Theoretical Linguistics 1 02 Compulsory +

In this course, students are introduced to the nature of language and the basic principles of linguistic theory. This course also includes definitions of language and linguistics, characteristics of human language, levels of linguistic analysis, branches of linguistics, main schools, and basic nuances in linguistics. It also includes phonology (preceded by a phonetics review) .ms of this course are: 1. The student becomes acquainted with the nature of language and the basic principles of linguistic theory. 2. The student identifies definitions of language, linguistics, and the characteristics of human language. 3. The student distinguishes the levels of linguistic analysis and the branches of linguistics. 4. The student discusses the main schools and basic differences in linguistics. 5. The student explains phonology. 6. The student explains the difficulties encountered in learning English. 7. The student applies methods of improving his language and expressions and increasing his vocabulary.

ENG215 writing 3 04 Compulsory ENG110 +

This course aims to introduce students to the basics of essay writing, beginning with defining an essay, how to prepare it, and what the different types of essay are.

ENG214 Listening&Speaking 3 04 Compulsory ENG109 +

This subject will continuously train students to speak and listen in English language, it will allow them to develop their knowledge of different types of English topics. Students in this level will be able to use English useful language and expressions which deal with many kinds of everyday life situations.

ENG213 Reading Comprehension 3 02 Compulsory ENG108 +

This course introduces students to high-interest reading texts from trusted sources that serve as a starting point for reading comprehension activities, reading comprehension development, vocabulary building, analysis, grammar training, enriched discussion, and writing.

ENG212 English Grammar 3 02 Compulsory ENG107 +

This course provides students with comprehensive lessons in modal auxiliary verbs, prepositions and adverbs. It also allows them practice in using the said grammar lessons through relevant exercises.

AR105 Arabic language 3 02 University requirement AR104 +

Summarized course Students apply the rules and especially the writing origins during the lecture, -Actual sentence. -Number provisions. -Delete and increase some letters. -The Judgment of Hamza -Punctuation marks. - Searching in lexicons -Writing reports, writing requests in particular, with application to the typical job application writing method. -General applications on the vocabulary of the rapporteur through the texts of the Holy Koran, the Prophetic Sunnah, the poetry and prose, but not less than ten texts. The examinations are other than these texts

4th Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
EPSY 302 Measurements and Evaluation 02 Compulsory EPSY 100 +

Recognizing the following concepts: psychological measurement - educational evaluation - tests - evaluation, determining the relationship between the four concepts mentioned in the first point, recognizing validity and reliability as conditions for measurement and evaluation, recognizing the types of achievement tests.

EPSY301 Research Methods 02 Compulsory EPSY 111 +

Scientific and its characteristics - scientific research scientific research institutions. The researcher, his competence and scientific trends - variables in scientific research and their classifications). Scientific research scheme (preparation of research scheme - elements of research scheme - research sources). Scientific writing tools: (documenting scientific research data - using the library - searching for information sources by computer and Internet services. Methodology of writing in research papers - Methods of documentation in the text - Documentation at the end of the report). Types of educational research: (methodological foundations - cases in which it is used - types, (descriptive research - survey - case study. relational research - historical research - experimental research). Fundamentals of scientific writing: (skills of using the library - introducing the foundations of book classification - how to use references - critical speed reading skills. summarizing skills - writing skills in research papers). Data collection tools in educational research: Observation: (types - advantages and disadvantages of each of them - how to organize them and benefit from the data derived from them). Questionnaire: (Its advantages and disadvantages - how to prepare it and analyze its data - its application through a personal interview). - An applied study to introduce how to analyze textbooks.

ENG327 Creative writing 1 02 Compulsory ENG215 +

This course deals with various models of fictional creative writing, poetry, and non-fiction creative writing through performance as public and visual art, and as literature that representing the society. Students practice writing books, films, and short stories.

AR101 Quranic Studies 1 02 University requirement +

In the classroom, students study the aspect of faith as follows: - the meaning of religion and the need of people for it, and the most important characteristics of the Islamic religion. B- Faith and action. - Increase and decrease of faith. - Deprivation of faith. C- Pillars of faith. First: Belief in God Almighty. - The existence of God and the evidence for him - the meaning of the monotheism of God. - Attributes of Allah Almighty. - The Beautiful Names of Allah. Second: Belief in angels: their truth, attributes, and functions. Third: Belief in the heavenly books and introducing them. Fourth: Belief in the Messengers: The difference between the Prophet and the Messenger. Prophecy is a blessing. The number of Messengers. - The (Olo Alazem) .- The attributes due to the messengers .- The virtue of our Prophet Muhammad - may God's peace and blessings be upon him - .- The generality of his message and that he is the last prophet that came to spread the message of Islam .- The obligation to love him .- The measure by which his love is known. Fifth- Belief in (Alyawm AlAkher): - the minor and major Signs of the Hour. - Conditions of the other world: conditions of death and isthmus – (Resurrection - Hashr - Intercession - Presentation and calculation - Balance - Basin - Path - Paradise - Hell. Sixth: Belief in predestination and destiny. - The meaning of destiny and predestination. - The meaning of belief in predestination. - The advantage of faith in predestination. - Satisfaction with predestination does not contradict the introduction of reasons. - Man is responsible for his actions and invoking predestination is misguidance.

ENG218 English Grammar 4 02 Compulsory ENG212 +

This course is to build students' English grammar skills in order to prepare them for academic study in the English language; It will build students' confidence in expressing themselves in English without making unacceptable grammatical errors. Therefore, this course provides an advanced level of English grammar for use in writing and speaking.

ENG219 Reading Comprehension4 02 Compulsory ENG213 +

This course aims to develop students' awareness and use of reading strategies. It also helps them broaden their understanding and build their views on global issues and social aspects. It also provides students with skills that enable them to be able to read and criticize.

ENG220 Listening & Speaking 4 02 Compulsory ENG214 +

This course aims at consolidating whatever has been done in the previous three semesters. It is expected that students will be able to express their ideas with correct emotive tone in the given context. The tutor will have the opportunity to reinforce certain areas and structures which could be identified as difficult areas for a set of students.

ENG222 English Literature 1 02 Compulsory +

This course aims to: study English literature which has many benefits, as it accustoms students to different perspectives on life and diverse ways of thinking about the world. Moreover, it develops students' linguistic competence and introduces various literary poems, plays, short stories and novels.

ENG223 Theoretical Linguistics 2 02 Compulsory ENG217 +

Theoretical linguistics (2) is the second part of the study of general linguistics that has been started in Theoretical Linguistics (1). The aim of this course is to furnish more details on morphology, syntax and semantics. It begins with presenting word-formation processes, the different types of morphemes: lexical & functional; derivational & inflectional. The course proceeds to discuss syntax beginning with traditional grammar and introducing the prescriptive and descriptive approaches to the study of grammar together with providing brief discussion of constituent analysis of sentences and labeled brackets. This is followed by an overview of generative grammar presenting important concepts such as deep structure, surface structure, recursion, phrase structure rules and movement; and introducing tree diagrams for the representation of phrases and sentences. The course continues on with the study of semantics introducing denotative and connotative meaning with special focus on word semantics. It views the three approaches to word meaning: semantic features, semantic roles and semantic relations. The course ends with a brief introduction to pragmatics.

5th Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
ENG328 Applied Linguistics 1 02 Compulsory ENG217 +

This course provides a broad overview of many diverse issues in applied linguistics, beginning with applied linguistics and the basic aspects for their verification, and then discussing how to acquire the first and second languages.

AR102 Quranic studies2 02 University requirement AR101 +

Students study in the classroom the aspect of worship and the study includes the following: - Worship concept and objectives. - Purity: its definition, divisions and rulings: pure objects and unclean objects - what is permissible to eat and wear and what is not permissible - water, its divisions and rulings. - Ablution: its definition, conditions, statutes, Sunnahs, mustahabbah, makrooh and contradictions. - Wiping over the socks. - Ghusl: its obligations, conditions, statutes, Sunnahs, mustahabbah, and types.- Things that prevent the smaller and larger event - Wiping on the cast. - Tayammum: its causes, conditions, pillars, Sunnahs, mustahabbat, and contradictions. - Prayer: its times, conditions, statutes, Sunnahs, and invalidations.

AR106 Arabic language 4 02 University requirement AR105 +

Students apply rules, especially writing rules, during a lecture. - The nominal sentence. - Application of the provisions of the number. - Questioning style. - Disconnect and connect. - Knowledge of writing messages in general. - Applications to the prestudied spelling rules and punctuation marks. - Some common errors. - Recognize the spelling and linguistic benefits. - Exercises on how to create a question form that is language-correct and use appropriate punctuation. - Practice writing numbers with letters. - General applications on the vocabulary of the course through the texts of the Holy Qur'an, the Sunna of the Prophet, and from the prospective of poetry and prose, provided that they are not less than ten texts.

EPSY 401 Psychological Health 02 Compulsory EPSY 302 +

EPSY 303 Teaching learning Aids 02 Compulsory +

The course familiarizes the learner with the concept of the communication process and its stages, its elements and its relationship with education and learning, and the concept of the educational medium in accordance with its historical development. and their types and classifications, and the basis for their preparation and effective use to improve the learning and education process.

ENG324 Grammatical Structures1 02 Compulsory ENG218 +

The course Grammatical Structures (1) aims at introducing the different types of English sentence structures. It begins with presenting types of sentences and pointing out phrases and clauses as basic sentence components. The course then proceeds placing special focus on English phrases such as noun phrases, gerund phrases, participle phrases and infinitive phrases. The students learn the structure of these phrases, their modifiers and their functions inside sentences using tree diagrams as an analytic tool for understanding phrases. The course incorporates practical tasks that aim at integrating grammar knowledge with the different language skills. In these tasks, students are requested to use the different English phrases in their speaking and writing as well as identifying them in a variety of reading materials.

ENG325 Advanced Reading 1 02 Compulsory ENG219 +

In this course, students are trained in the academic reading test (IELTS: International English Language Testing System), which tests their ability to understand and answer relatively difficult questions, and to practice core skills (skills needed to understand the main idea of a text), and fine skills (skills needed to identify and interpret information in a text).

ENG440 Academic Writing 02 Compulsory ENG215 +

This course provides a comprehensive preparation for the types and styles of academic writing needed for students at advanced levels. It aims to prepare students for writing reports. It focuses on developing students' academic styles and shows students how to write their reports successfully and effectively.

ENG326 Advanced Listening&Speaking 1 04 Compulsory ENG220 +

Summarized course: The course aims to improve the presentation skills of the students, as it provides a series of instructions on how to prepare the presentation, identify the components of the presentation, and how to convey ideas clearly as well as engaging the audience. In addition, They learn to use some teaching aids and the Power Point slides to make powerful presentations.

ENG334 Methods of Teaching 02 General EPSY201 +

This course is an introduction to language teaching methodology that explores methods of teaching English and recent methodological innovations in teaching English as a first and second language.

6th Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
ENG340 Computer Assisted Language Learning 02 Compulsory CS100 +

This course aims to introduce students to the basics of language learning using computers, beginning with its definition and historical development, the use of different types of software, different approaches to using computers in the classroom, and the effective use of information technology in e-learning, blended learning, and others.

ENG329 Psycholinguistics 02 Elective ENG223 +

After introducing and explaining the idea of psycholinguistics, students are introduced to the vital foundations of social human behavior and students are also introduced to how to receive speech, vocabulary and meanings from a simple, primitive system to a complex one.

ENG330 Grammatical Structures 2 02 Compulsory ENG324 +

The course Grammatical Structures (2) aims at introducing the different types of English clauses and show them in use in a variety of sentence structures. Then it proceeds to discuss each clause type with its markers and functions. It begins with noun clauses with their types: that clauses, Wh clauses, and If/whether clauses. It also illustrates the use of noun clauses in functional structures such as the wish clause, the subjunctive clause and formal questions. Then it continues with the second clause type: the adjective clause. It presents the relative pronouns and the different adjective clause structures. Finally, the course presents adverb clauses and the different subordinators that mark the different adverbial meanings: time, place, manner, result, contrast, purpose and conditions. The students learn the structure of these clauses using tree diagrams as an analytic tool for further understanding of clauses. The course incorporates practical tasks that aim at integrating grammar knowledge with the different language skills. In these tasks, students are requested to use the different English clauses in their speaking and writing as well as identifying them in a variety of reading materials.

ENG331 Advanced Reading 2 04 Elective ENG325 +

This course develops skills and strategies previously learned in previous reading courses and provides students with highly interesting texts in various fields and helps them acquire good vocabulary through activities related to the meanings of words, syndromes, deriving parts of speech, and others.

ENG333 Creative Writing 2 04 Elective ENG327 +

This course deals with writing creative stories and writing poetry, as well as introducing students to the method of writing essays and practicing writing essays as well.

ENG335 Applied Linguistics 2 03 Elective ENG328 +

This course covers additional input on language study and theories related to second language teaching, and enhances students' knowledge of specific lessons in psycholinguistics.

ENG336 Strategies1 02 Compulsory EPSY201 +

This course shows students how to plan successful activities and lessons and reinforces the knowledge and skills they have acquired that are essential for them to become good teachers.

ENG344 Vocabulary Development 03 Elective +

This course aims at broadening students' lexis, develop new strategies in learning vocabulary, and use their lexical store to develop other skills in the study of the English language. This course also provides vocabulary sentences with a set of activities related to improving and developing students' English language level. Students learn some important words and phrases, and it also provides students with information about vocabulary and how to use it in different circumstances, as well as ideas and techniques to help them learn vocabulary.

ENG341 Teaching English Language Skills 02 Elective ENG334 +

This course is the essential guide for students as trainees for language teaching. It helps them understand how to teach English as a foreign language. The course will provide students with the tools, strategies and knowledge they need to be successful as English language teachers of both adults and young learners. This course shows students how to teach pronunciation, vocabulary, and grammar. It also provides students with basic classroom suggestions for teaching the basic skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing. Then students are introduced to teaching young learners, business English and one-on-one teaching.

ENG447 History and Varieties of English 02 Elective +

The course provides the students with introduction to varieties in general and varieties of English in specific. It also presents different variety labels of English. Moreover, this course provides the students with different varieties of English according to geographical areas and situations. It is also presents the summary to historical era that affected in developing English language. It exposes the students to models of language press and advertising and analyzing them, too.The course aims to: 1. Present what English language is and determining who are native speakers of English, for instance, American people, British people, Australian people Canadian people. 2. Define the term varieties of language and mentioning its types (Dialect, Accent, style. 3. Writing a summary on the historical eras the affected in development English language. 4. Explain the meaning of the term of geographical varieties of English. 5. Differentiating between the different language styles with relation to situation or context( formal and informal, spoken, written, tactful,…………………………….etc). 6. Analyze the language of press and advertisements

ENG446 Translation 02 Compulsory +

This introductory course allows students to learn about translation theory and practice for the first time. It also provides students with basic ideas about the translation process, the vocabulary used, and contemporary theories put forward by researchers and scholars in this field.

ENG345 Teaching English to Young Learners 02 Elective ENG343 +

This course shows how young learners learn English. It also teaches students how to teach pronunciation, vocabulary, and grammar to young learners. It also provides students with basic classroom suggestions for teaching the basic skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing. Then students are introduced to teaching young learners through storytelling, songs and games.

7th Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
ENG342 English Literature2 02 Compulsory ENG222 +

It develops students’ abilities to analyze literary works, and enriches their literary knowledge by reading different types of literary works of poetry, drama, etc.

ENG442 Strategies 2 02 Compulsory ENG336 +

Overview The course Strategies of Teaching English (2) aims at giving the student teachers the chance to apply the theoretical knowledge they received in previous courses and preparing them for practicing in public schools. In this course, the student teacher is requested to prepare lesson plans for different language skills and achieve their lesson objectives in microteaching circles done inside the English Department. During their microteaching practice, students are trained to present their lessons, run appropriate activities, conduct assessment procedures, make good use of audio-visual aids and computer assisted teaching tools together with effective classroom management and student interaction. The course also aims at developing the students’ ability to analyze and evaluate lessons as well as performing peer and self-assessment.

ENG343 Research Methods in English Language Teaching 02 Compulsory ENG440 +

This course aims to teach students how to research, and also discusses the developments of research questions, hypotheses, quantitative and qualitative research, and validation of research tools attributed to their research topic, and the student concludes the course by preparing an appropriate and approved research proposal for the purpose of implementing it as a graduation project.

8th Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
ENG448 Graduation Project 04 Compulsory EPSY201 +

The student chooses a scientific topic (according to his specialization) and presents it to his department as a proposal, then the student conducts scientific research on the topic following the steps and methodology of correct scientific research, including problem identification, data collection, analysis, research benefit, previous studies on the research topic, research results, recommendations, etc. The purpose of the graduation project is to train the student to conduct research in his field by applying the concepts and principles he studied during the previous semesters at the college.

EPSY 402 Teaching Practice 04 Compulsory EPSY 411 +

practicum training program; Provided by teacher preparation institutions; under its supervision over a limited period of time; With the aim of providing an opportunity for student teachers to apply what they have learned of theoretical subjects in practice while they are actually teaching in educational institutions; Which leads to achieving familiarity between them and the human and material elements in these institutions, and providing them with the educational competencies necessary for them.Description of the practical part:The student should be able to apply the practical aspect of his academic and educational specialization.Training the student teacher on teaching methods in a scientific way.Training the student teacher on the design and use of various educational aids.