Master in Master of Aerospace Engineering

Faculty of Engineering - Department of Aeronautical Engineering



The graduate program in the Aeronautical Engineering Department offers M.Sc. degree in the

following programs:

Program I: Aerodynamics and Propulsion Engineering

Program II: Aircraft Structures and Design Engineering

Program III: Flight Mechanics and Control

Our mission of the postgraduate program is:

1- To significantly advance knowledge, its applications and integration in aeronautical


2- To provide capable, motivated, and well-prepared students with an aeronautical

engineering education of the highest quality, that will enable them to reach their

maximum potential in a technological world.


To provide students with sound knowledge of advanced topics in aircraft

aerodynamics and propulsion systems, and to fulfill the needs of the

institution sponsoring the students in the areas of specialization with the

department assurance that the courses meet the accreditation of higher

education programs of similar international universities.


Learning Objectives (Outcomes)

• Apply knowledge in varied areas of Aeronautical Engineering for higher

studies, research, employment and product development.

• Attract the highest quality researchers and students to conduct a collaborative,

multi-disciplinary education and research program.

• An engineering acumen in identifying, formulating, analyzing and solving

complex engineering problems.

• Ability to model, analyze and simulate operations of aircraft components and


• Capability of exhibiting sound theoretical and practical knowledge in core

domains like aircraft structures, aerodynamics, propulsion and flight dynamics

and are able to solve the related problems.

• Ability to work in team and individually.

• Ability to communicate effectively with the aerospace community using

reports, presentations and documentations.

• Ability to manage the projects in various aerospace fields of structure,

aerodynamics, propulsion, avionics etc.

Certificate Rewarded

Master degree

Entry Reuirements

Bachelor's degree or equivalent

Pass the comparison exam

Study Plan

The Master in Master of Aerospace Engineering prepares students to qualify for Master in Master of Aerospace Engineering. The student studies several subjects which have been carefully chosen in this major to cover its different aspects.

It comprises 4 Semesters of study, in which the student will study a total of 30 units, which include 6 units of general subjects, and 24 major units, 6 of elective units. In addition to a final project in the student's major.

Study plan for this program is shown below:

Elective Subjects

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
AE660 Theory of Guidance 03 Elective +

Fundamentals of Guidance Systems, Categories of Guidance Systems, Remote ControlGuidance: Command to Line-of-Sight (CLOS), Command off Line-of-Sight (COLOS),Line-of-Sight Beam Riding Guidance (LOSBR), Homing Guidance: Active homing,Semi-active Homing, Passive homing, Homing Guidance Laws: Pursuit, Constantbearing course, Proportional navigation, Inertial Guidance, Celestial guidance,Terrestrial Guidance.

AE647 Gas Turbines 03 Compulsory +

Course material in gas turbines Includes, aircraft propulsion system cycle,operational envelope, turbine cooling, performance prediction of sample gas turbine,performance of twin-spool engines, transient performance and control system.

AE650 Performance for Design, Certification and Operation 03 Compulsory +

Introduction to fixed wing aircraft performance: Mission profile, Performanceestimation and measurement. The atmosphere and air data measurements : Theatmosphere model, air data measurement techniques. Equations of motion and forceson A/C: Equations of motion for performance, forces on A/C, drag polar. Take-off andLanding Performance: Take off and landing performance, STOL/ VTOLconsiderations. Climb and Decent Performance: Climb/decent performance analysis,effect of wind on climb and decent. Cursing performance: Specific air range andspecific endurance, jet-engined A/C, prop-engined A/C, mixed power plant A/C.Maneuvering Performance: The maneuver envelop, Transport A/C, Military A/C.Flight measurement of A/C performance: Data analysis of parametric performance, theequivalent -weight method, performance data reduction. Performance Scheduling:Flight planning, take-off performance, en-rout performance, landing performance, andfuel planning. Performance in practice: The performance summary, operationalanalysis, flight planning. Performance Examples of Some hypothetical A/C.

AE651 Aircraft Classic Control 03 Compulsory +

Disturbance signals in a feedback control system, effects of a third poleand a zero on the second order system response, the steady state error of non-unity feedback closed loop systems, the Nyquist criterion, system bandwidth,stability of control systems with time delay, approaches to control systemdesign, pole-zero cancellation design, PID controller design, phase-lead-lagdesign, robust control systems, A/C longitudinal and lateral dynamic stabilities,longitudinal and lateral responses, response to gusts.

AE652 Aircraft Modern Control 03 Compulsory +

The state variables of a dynamic system, state differential equation,transfer function from the state equation, time response and the state transitionmatrix, analysis of state variables models, stability of state variable systems,controllability, observability, pole placement method, Ackermann’s formula,state observer, longitudinal stability augmentation, lateral-directional stabilityaugmentation, A/C dynamic coupling system analysis and stability, A/Cdynamic decoupling system analysis and stability.

AE653 Autopilot System Design 03 Compulsory +

Longitudinal transfer function, lateral transfer function, longitudinal andlateral modes approximations, longitudinal flying and handling qualities,lateral-directional flying and handling qualities, displacement autopilot, autopilot modes, pitch displacement autopilot, stability augmentation,instrument landing, actuator dynamics, sensor dynamics, longitudinal control,scheduling, lateral control, automatic landing system, terrain-following controlsystem, aircraft role, pilot opinion, rating control anticipation parameter.

AE654 Digital Control System 03 Compulsory +

The z-transform, the inverse z-transform, the relation between z and stransforms, mapping the s-plane into the z-plane, bilinear transformations, discretecontrol system, data hold element. Sampled data control systems, Stability of digitalsystems, optimal discrete control use of digital computers in AFCSS, digital-to-analogconversion, analog-to-digital conversion, discrete state equations, A Lyapunov scheme,parameter adaptation scheme, digital controller design, Aircraft landing system andservomotor system.

AE655 Multivariable Systems and Optimal Control 03 Elective +

Performance indices, continuous time state model, observer feedback, costfunctions, Quadratic cost functions, Weighting functions, Lagrange multipliers, linearquadratic regulator, linear quadratic Gaussian control, Hamilton equations, Riccatiequations, Kalman filter, optimal state space control system design, stabilizability,Lypunov stability analysis, use of Integral Feedback in linear quadratic regulator,effects of aeroelasticity on dynamic stability and response and case studies of A/Cdynamic systems.

AE656 Systems Modeling and Simulation 03 Elective +

Linear, nonlinear systems and linearization methods, time invariant and time varyingsystems., theory of modelling and analysis of continuous systems, the commonality ofbehaviour of systems, classification and proprieties of linear systems, simulations andanalysis of linear and nonlinear models, dynamical behaviour of higher order dynamicsystems, frequency response and state space modelling approach, sequential andcontinuous control strategies, FSF and RIFSF controllers, simulation block diagramsand simulation of A/C dynamic systems and optimization process.

AE643 Gas Dynamics 03 Compulsory +

Review of fundamental, reversible and irreversible process. Control volumeanalysis, conservation of mass, moments, conservation of energy, pressure energyequation. Compressible flow equation, h-s and T-s diagram. Perfect gas with losses,nozzle performance, diffuser performance. Norma shock wave analysis, oblique shockwave analysis and applications, Prandtl Meyer shock waves. Fanoo flow, correlationwith shock waves, friction chocking. Rayleigh flow, application, correlation with shock waves, thermal chocking. Propulsion systems, cycles analysis, propulsion equations,system efficiency, supersonic diffuser.

AE661 Buckling and Post-buckling in Aircraft Structures 03 Elective +

Buckling of thin plates, Post-buckling of plates and stiffened panels. Failurecriteria following semi-empirical approach. Needham and Gerard methods forpredicting the failure stresses. Buckling of cylindrical shells subjected to individual orcombined external and axial compressions.

AE662 Aircraft Accident Investigations 03 Elective +

Introduction: Definitions, Notifications, the investigator, the investigationgroups. Organization management. Survey: general, survey of previous accidents,IATA accident/incident classifications, and accident causes evaluations for jet andturboprop: Human factors versus flight phases, technical factors against flight phases,flight phases versus environmental factors. Statistics: Definitions, total loss ratesclassifications, mission profile, total loss rate classifications by flight phases, summaryof turbo prop accidents (total loss), summary of jet fleet accidents (totalloss),conclusion. Classifications: IATA geographic regions, classification of accidentsaccording to type of aircraft. Final investigation report: procedure, format of the report,factual information, analysis of factual document, findings, causes safetyrecommendations, report appendices. IATA Annex 13 to Convention of Internationalcivil Aviation Authority: Case study (To be selected from Civil Aviation Authorityaccident archive).

AE697 Special Topics 03 Elective +

The topics are not listed in department programs and may vary from year to yearaccording to interests of students and instructors.M.S. students choose and study a topic under the guidance of the departmentcoordinator. Typical contents include advanced fields of study according to recentscientific and technological developments in the related areas. Also, it could be studiedfrom other related departments after getting the permission.

AE698 Graduate Seminar 01 Elective +

This course help students to develop their research proposals, establishing andexpanding their research skills and implementing their work through scholarly writing,which can be achieved through the seminar.The seminar course must to be taken in the second semester of the registration andmanaged by an instructor who is responsible to prepare the final grade list of all theregistered students.Students must prepare and present their chosen topics through a scientific term paper,which can be shared and discussed with other students and department staff to gaintheir feedback.

GE604 Advanced Engineering Mathematics 03 Compulsory +

Review of ordinary differential equations; linear differential equation of the firstorder; linear differential equations with constant coefficients; particular solutions byvariations of parameters. Power series solutions; method of Frobenius; Legendre'sequation; Fourier-Legendre Series; Bessel's equation; modified Bessel equation.Fourier methods; Fourier series; Sturm-Liouville theory; Fourier integral; Fouriertransformation. Partial differential equations; heat conduction equation; separation ofvariables; waves and vibrations in strings; wave equation; D'Alembert's solution;longitudinal vibrations in an elastic rod; two dimensional stress systems; solution ofNavier's equations by the application of Fourier transforms; Laplace equation.

GE606 Applied Statistics and Computer Application 03 Compulsory +

Random variables; common discrete, continuous expectations and their applications;Sampling of the mean, hypothesis testing of the mean and variance, confidenceintervals and Chi-Square procedures; Simple linear regression and correlation;precision and straight line fits; Matrix approach; multiple; Linear regression;polynomial and extra sum of squares in linear regression analysis; Transformation,weighted dummy variables and special topics in multiple regression analysis; Selectingthe best regression model; Design of experiments; Single-factor and Multi-factoranalysis of variance. Application of Statistical software packages such as: MINITAB,SPSS, etc.…

GE609 Numerical Methods in Engineering 03 Compulsory +

Interpolation; Linear interpolation, Lagrange and Aitkin’s interpolatingpolynomials, Difference calculus, Newton forward and backward difference formula,curve fittings, least square approximations, Fitting nonlinear curves, Cubic spline,Chebyshev polynomials, Approximation with rational function ordinary differentialequations, Analytical and computer-aided solutions, Boundary conditions, Taylor seriesmethod.

AE632 Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) 03 Compulsory +

Finite difference formulation, initial and boundary conditions, finite differencefor parabolic, elliptic and hyperbolic differential equation and applications, explicitmethod, implicit method, iteration methods, alternating direction implicit method(ADI), splitting methods, multi-steps method, upwind formulation, TVD formulation,grid generation techniques, applications, stability analysis, introduction to finitevolume formulation, introduction to commercial codes, turbulent models, Reynoldsaveraged equations, case studies.

AE604 Finite Element Methods 03 Compulsory +

Displacement approach. Finite element in linear analysis: derivation of elasticstiffness for some elements : ( pin-jointed axial members, beams, isotropic andorthotropic plates), application of the method for stress analysis of structures,applications, finite element in buckling analysis: derivation of geometric stiffnessmatrices, application of buckling, finite element for vibration analysis: derivation ofgeometric stiffness matrices , Equation of motions in matrix form , applications ofvibration analysis to ( columns, plates, beams, natural frequencies for wing – fuselagesystem ) .

AE608 Aeroelasticity 03 Compulsory +

Introduction, definitions, influence of aeroelastic phenomena on design,comparison of wing critical speeds, deformations of airplane structures under staticloads, deformations of airplane structures under dynamic loads, approximate methodsof computing natural mode shapes and frequencies, static aeroelasticity: model forapplication to aileron reversal, uniform lifting surface: equilibrium equation, torsionaldivergence swept wings, flutter: nature of flutter, flutter of a simple system with twodegrees of freedom of the bending-torsion flutter of a uniform cantilever wing, solutionflutter methods, testing techniques.

AE610 Aircraft Vibration and Structural Dynamics 03 Compulsory +

Review of Single and Multi-degree of freedom vibration systems using matrixformulation and force methods, Lagrange’s equation for multi-degree free and forcedsystems, Time and frequency domain solution techniques. Vibration isolation dampingtreatment and dynamic absorbers. Analysis of Continuous systems: longitudinalvibration of rods, torsional vibration of rods, Euler equation for the beam, vibration ofmembranes, approximate numerical methods: Rayleigh method, dunkerley’s equation,matrix iteration method, calculation of higher modes of vibration systems. Vibrationmeasurement and analysis techniques.

AE614 Composite Materials 03 Compulsory +

Basic definitions concerning composites. Benefits from the use of compositesespecially in aerospace applications. Processes, manufacture and quality control.Anisotropic, orthotropic and isotropic material properties. Lamina constitutiveequations. Parameter of mutual influence of the 1st and 2nd kind. Lamination theory;symmetric and non-symmetric laminates with emphasis on the coupling effects.Analysis of stresses and strains through the thicknesses of laminates. Comparison ofexperimental and theoretical laminate stiffnesses, strength of laminates. Interlaminarstresses. Design of laminates. Laminate joints. Bending, buckling and vibration oflaminated plates.

AE619 Sandwich Structures 03 Elective +

Why sandwich structures, components (faces and core), face and core materials,face and core geometries, effect of the geometric and mechanical properties of core andfaces; thick faces + stiff core, thin faces + stiff core, thick faces + weak core, thin faces+ weak core, shear stress distribution, bending stress distribution, honeycomb core +isotropic faces, honeycomb core + laminated faces, instability problems in sandwichcolumns with emphasis on the effects of various geometric and mechanical parameters.Bending and buckling using total potential energy principle.

AE621 Fracture Mechanics 03 Compulsory +

A crack in a structure and importance of crack study in design, Stresses arounda crack tip, Stress intensity factors, Crack opening displacement, Cleavage and ductilefractures, Fatigue cracking and environment associated fracture, Service failureanalysis, The elastic crack tip stress field , The airy stress function , The effect of finitecomponent size on crack growth ,Elliptical cracks, Irwin plastic zone correction, Shapeof the plastic zone at the crack tip, thickness effect in a cracked component, the energyprinciple, strain energy release rate, the criterion for crack growth , compliance in bothfixed load and fixed grips conditions, plane strain fracture toughness, standard testspecimens, Fracture test models in opening mode, fatigue, Crack propagationmechanism and evaluation, factors affecting fatigue crack propagation.

AE622 Aircraft Advanced Design 03 Elective +

Introduction: Vehicle classifications, system engineering, design stages,requirement, and tradeoffs, mission profiles, the design team fixed and rotary wings.Power and performance of aircraft: power available and power required, power andinduced velocity, minimum power to lift ratio, specific power, power and speed.Aerodynamics: aircraft polar, characteristic points of aircraft polar, drag break down,advanced drag estimation approach. Weight estimation: weight break down, advancedweight estimation, component weight formulae, wing loading, thrust loading. Range:Range formula, optimization of range parameter, tradeoffs and sensitivity analysis.Aircraft costs: research costs, design costs, production costs, direct and indirectoperating costs. Supersonic aircraft design: Determination of Design parameters:mission profile, performance requirement, configuration development, drag estimation,thrust loading and wing loading determination , Weight estimation, Sizing iteration ,Determination of drag components, Lift components, Weights and thrust.

AE630 Dynamics of Low Speed Flight 03 Compulsory +

Introduction to dynamic stability of flight, static stability theory, requirementsof static stability in pitching motion, full non-linear system of aircraft equations ofmotion, state-space format, possible trends of solution, linearization of the equations and decoupling in to two independent sets, description of forces and moments onaircraft, concept and evaluation of stability derivatives, aircraft free response,characteristics of longitudinal motion, characteristics of lateral-directional motion, andstability boundaries, introduction to handling qualities of aircraft.

AE600 Advanced Aircraft Structural Analysis 03 Compulsory +

Review of the Energy Methods; strain and complementary energy, totalpotential energy, detailed application to deflection problems, application to staticallyindeterminate structures (Beams, Frames, Pin Jointed Trusses and Rings), using unitload and Castigliano's methods. Matrix method in structure analysis. Bending of thinshells, general case of deformation of cylindrical shells, buckling of shells under axialpressure, buckling of cylindrical shells subjected to torsion. Warping of thin-walledsections (open and closed) under shear and torsion loads.

AE633 Experimental Methods in Aerodynamics 03 Elective +

The role of experimental aerodynamics; wind tunnels: types, components,design basis and power losses estimation; geometric, kinematic and dynamicsimilarities requirements; pressure measurement; pressure transducers; pressuresensitive paint technique; flow velocity measurement, LASER-Doppler anemometer,Hot-Wire anemometer, particle imaging velocimeter; measurement of aerodynamicforces and moments; external and internal aerodynamic balances; flow visualizationtechniques; error analysis of wind tunnel results. Note: a set of wind tunnel experimentsare scheduled as an integral part of this course.

AE634 Viscous Flow 03 Compulsory +

Some examples of viscous fluid flow phenomena; transport, kinematic andthermodynamic fluid properties; fundamental equations of viscous fluid flow andexamples of their solutions; laminar boundary layer equations; similarity, approximateand numerical solutions; prediction of boundary layer flow separation; stability oflaminar boundary layer; transition to turbulence; engineering prediction of transition;physical and mathematical description of turbulence; Reynolds equations of turbulentmotion; two-dimensional turbulent-boundary-layer equations; turbulent boundary layeron a flat plate; turbulence modeling in two-dimensional flow; free turbulence: jets,wakes and mixing layers.

AE637 VSTOL Aerodynamics 03 Elective +

Types of V/STOL aircraft; helicopters: hovering, vertical ascent and descent,forward flight, autorotation; unpowered flaps: performance of wings with flaps, effectof sweepback, nose flaps; powered flaps: lift, pitching moment, drag, thrust and groundeffect performance; , propeller-wing interaction; ducted propeller in axial flight and atangle of attack; fan-in-wing configuration; thrust augmentation; ground-effectmachines (GEM); static stability and control of GEM.

AE638 Aerodynamics of Wind Rotors 03 Elective +

Introduction. Nature of wind energy. Types of wind turbine, wind speed pattern,wind speed measurement and data analysis. General momentum theorem of wind rotor,rotating annular stream tube, wake rotation. Overall wind rotor design , blade elementmomentum theory, relative Flow . Ideal wind rotor design, Vortex theory. Performanceof wind rotor, tip Loss correction, power output, blade design procedure, wind turbinecontrol.

AE639 High Speed Aerodynamics 03 Elective +

Introduction to high speed aerodynamics, high speed A/C components andlayout. Supersonic flows around airfoils, shock waves, Normal shock waves, Obliqueshock waves, Prandtl Meyer shock expansion, linear theory, Busman’s theory. Finitewings in supersonic flow, conical method, singularity distribution method, application on lifting surface. Sharp nosed body of revolution. Wing body interference, wing tailinterference. Drag components

AE640 Heat Transfer and Mass Transfer 03 Elective +

Introduction, Two-dimensional heat conduction , transient heat conduction , Finitedifférence Method, Computer Project, Boudry layer , Convection heat and Masstransfer, External Flows, Internal Flows, Free convection heat transfer, Principals ofradiation heat transfer, Radiation exchange between surfaces, Heat exchanger analysis ,Mass transfer, Design Project Presentations.

AE642 Propulsion Systems 03 Compulsory +

Dynamics and thermodynamics of perfect gases, Quasi-one-dimensional flow,thrust and efficiencies, Aircraft jet engines, Turbojets, turbofans, turboprops, Engineperformance, Combustors, afterburners, Axial flow compressors, Axial flow turbines,turbine and compressor matching, Rockets, rocket flight performanc