Master in Library and information science

University of Tripoli - Department of Library and Information



The program seeks to qualify distinguished professional cadres in the field of libraries and information capable of meeting the needs and requirements of the labor market, conducting outstanding scientific research and community service.


1.Enriching the Arab library and developing scientific research through research and scientific studies specialized in library and information science and other related fields.

2.Preparing specialized researchers who are able to prepare scientific studies that contribute to solving issues and problems faced by society in its various institutions in the field of libraries, information and other related fields such as publishing and media institutions and others.

3.To contribute to developing the competence of qualified specialists working in library departments and information institutions and planning for the advancement of the field.

4.Formation of specialized faculty members with high efficiency and ability to enable them to perform their role in qualifying in the specialization and contribute to the success of the educational process in the library and information departments in Libyan universities.

5.Providing scientific consultations in the field of libraries, information and cultural and social institutions to serve the community in a manner that serves the various development plans.


1. The ability to use integrated automated systems in the management of various information institutions.

2. The ability to manage electronic documents, manage historical documents, and manage archival institutions in general.

3 . The ability to objectively analyze information sources through their objective relationships that link them, with the study of laws and bibliometric measurements and their application in solving administrative problems facing the library or information center that provides these services.

4 . The ability to process new formats of bibliographic records according to electronic processing systems for these sources such as AACR), FRBR, RDA, 21 MARC, Metadata.

Certificate Rewarded

The student is granted a master's degree in library, information and archive sciences.

Entry Reuirements

1. The student must have a university degree or its equivalent

 2. The student should submit an original copy of the transcript, the contents of all courses, and the approval of the employer for full-time workers.

3. Students are accepted according to the priority of their estimates in the first university degree, with the exception of foreign students who have scholarships in implementation of agreements concluded between Libya and other countries.

4. A student who has a postgraduate diploma from a recognized university and matches the standards of Libyan universities may be accepted.

 5. The concerned department undertakes the assessment and equivalence of the courses studied by the student at a recognized university with other courses in the department, provided that their number or number of units does not exceed half the number of courses or units required to obtain the license for which the applicant is applying

6. The minimum period spent by the student transferring to the college is at least half of the period decided to obtain the required degree, and this period may be reduced for students whose special cases require that by a decision of the dean of the college based on the proposal of the concerned department and the approval of the graduate studies committee of the college.

7.  أن يجتاز الطالب امتحان القبول للتأكد من مقدرته على مواصلة الدراسة في هذه المرحلة. 

Study Plan

The Master in Library and information science prepares students to qualify for Master in Library and information science. The student studies several subjects which have been carefully chosen in this major to cover its different aspects.

It comprises 3 Semesters of study, in which the student will study a total of 36 units, which include 0 units of general subjects, and 0 major units

Study plan for this program is shown below:

1st Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
501 م. م. ع Recent trends in library and information studies 03 Compulsory +

The objective of this course is to give postgraduate students the idea that this science is developed like other sciences that witness continuous development and abundant intellectual production, which requires them to follow up and continue education in the field of their interests and their educational and professional tasks in order to evaluate information services according to the latest scientific methods and methods according to Modern theories in library and information science.

502 م. م. ع information management 03 Compulsory +

The course aims to introduce the concept of information management in institutions, organizations and companies of different administrative composition and the services or products they provide to the current or expected market. Through it, the student is introduced to the principles of strategic planning and its use in information management to make the right decision in various institutions and organizations in the light of information technology. With practical application and case studies for a number of public and private companies and institutions in the community that include information management in their administrative structure.

503 م. م. ع Distributed databases 03 Compulsory +

The course aims to introduce students to the concept of distributed databases and how to deal with them, with a study of sub-databases, their structural models, structure, design, and building tables and links.

2nd Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
504 م. م. ع search methods 03 Compulsory +

505 م. م. ع Applied statistics 03 Compulsory +

506 م. م. ع Archive management 03 Compulsory +

3rd Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
507 م. م. ع Information and communication 03 Compulsory +

Elective Subjects

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
508 م. م. ع Integrated automated systems in libraries and information centers 03 Compulsory +

Studying mechanization in libraries, introducing integrated automated systems and their uses in various information institutions, their components, how they are built, and the criteria used to evaluate the contents of these systems through standards and specifications, with a study of a number of models for integrated automated systems:DOBIS-LIBIS , ALIBS , LIS , VTLS , CDS-ISIS , MINA-ISIS , WIN-ISIS

509 م. م. ع Bibliometric measurements 03 Compulsory +

Giving the student the ability to objectively analyze information sources through their substantive relationships that link them with the study of bibliometric laws and their application in solving administrative and financial problems facing the library or information center that provides these services.

510 م. م. ع Technical procedures for electronic information sources 03 Compulsory +

Studying the development in information technology and the resulting systems for storing and retrieving information and the emergence of new forms of electronic information containers in light of the new standards, with training on processing new forms of bibliographic records according to the systems for processing these sources electronically such as AACR (FRBR, 21 MARC, Metadata).