Bachelor in Marine Science

University of Tripoli - Department of Zoology



The Marine Sciences Program is interested in preparing cadres concerned with studying marine organisms, their behaviors, and their interactions with the environment. They are able to manage marine resources.


- To realize the characteristics of aquatic animals, such as their environment, behavior, physiology, and life strategies.

- To understand the scientific terms related to marine science.

- To conduct biological research on aquatic organisms such as fish and invertebrates.



Knowing the biological diversity of marine organisms.


Knowing the way of life and behavior of marine animals and their diversity.


Knowing the role of marine animals in the environment.


Be able to classify and define marine animals.


Knowing the role of marine reserves in preserving biological diversity.

Certificate Rewarded

Bachelor of Science (BSc)

Entry Reuirements

- Completion of 80 credits of basic courses of the Department of Zoology.

 - Passing the courses: General Ecology, Comparative Anatomy of vertebrates, Natural History of Vertebrates, and Invertebrates II.

Study Plan

The Bachelor in Marine Science prepares students to qualify for Bachelor in Marine Science. The student studies several subjects which have been carefully chosen in this major to cover its different aspects.

It comprises 8 Semesters of study, in which the student will study a total of 133 units, which include 0 units of general subjects, and 0 major units

Study plan for this program is shown below:

1st Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
BO101 General Botany1 04 General +

Students' knowledge of the basics and branches of botany.Achieving a level of awareness and responsibility of the importance of the subjects studied in scientific and practical terms.The student's knowledge of the importance of botany in human life and the labor market.

MA111 Mathematics 1 03 General +

• Recognizes the concepts, terms, principles and laws of this course.• Functions and properties are used in the study of applied models.• Connects ends, connectivity and derivation and demonstrates the uses of differential applications in life sciences.• The student discusses the different methods of calculating integration and its applications and explains the models of limited differences of the first degree

CH101 General Chemistry 1 04 Compulsory +

This course aims to:- Providing the student with general information on intangible numbers and understanding the use of chemical units for different measured quantities.-Familiarity with the concept of the atom in terms of atomic structure and the application of the laws of the atom-Understand the periodic table and name the elements and chemical compounds- Introducing the student to understanding oxidation and reduction and weighing equations in different ways

EL.101 English Language 1 02 University requirement +

English 101 are courses specially designed for students who choose to study at the faculty of Basic Sciences. The principle objectives for both courses is to enable students use English for scientific. They provide students with practice on sentence patterns, structural words as well as non-structural vocabulary which are common to all scientific branches. The material incorporated in these courses intend to give students a good opportunity to read scientific texts, do grammar exercises and work on scientific terminology.

AR051 Arabic language 1 02 University requirement +

Highlighting the beauty of the Arabic language and revealing the elements of originality and strength that are full of it, so that students increase their passion and interest in it.Close contact with our literary heritage and make students aware of its originality, diversity and comprehensiveness.Refine students' talents and develop their ability to understand the language, grammar, morphology and correct Arabic writing.Training students to write their scientific research, reports, and notes in correct writing, free of linguistic, stylistic, and spelling errors, and to facilitate the translation of many specialized texts.

ZO101 General Zoology I 04 Compulsory +

The fundamentals of animal life, with emphasis on anatomy, physiology, behavior, evolution and genetics with special reference to animal contributions to ecosystems and to humans. Live animals handled in compliance to with the rules of the institutional Animal Care and Use Committee, are used in the classroom and laboratory for instruction and to demonstrate ethical and appropriate care of living animals use for instructional purposes.

2nd Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
BO102 General Botany 2 04 General BO101 +

Introduction to algae science and its types and importance, The science, division, and importance of fungi.Identification of viruses and their life cycles.Knowledge of the general characteristics of Thallophta plants

MA112 Mathematics 2 03 General MA111 +

• The student should recognize the function characteristics in more than one variable and draw in three dimensions.• The student uses partial differentiation methods in calculating some applications.• The student uses creative thinking and problem-solving methods in types of differential equations and methods of solving them.• Students learn about the basic concepts of vectors and matrices in two dimensions.

CH102 General chemistry 2 03 Compulsory CH101 +

This decision aims to:- Provide students with information on the ideal gases and real gases and familiarize themselves with the concept of changes in the article's cases.- Accommodate basic concepts of how to express concentration units of chemical solutions and the movement of chemical reactions.- Identifying students to understand chemical balance, acid and rules.- The student understands the meaning of dissolution and the balance of complex ions.

EL102 English language 2 02 University requirement +

English are courses specially designed for students who choose to study at the faculty of Basic Sciences. The principle objectives for both courses is to enable students use English for scientific. They provide students with practice on sentence patterns, structural words as well as non-structural vocabulary which are common to all scientific branches. The material incorporated in these courses intend to give students a good opportunity to read scientific texts, do grammar exercises and work on scientific terminology.

ZO102 Zoology2 04 General ZO101 +

Provide students with basic information on the different biological structures of organisms (both structural and functional) theoretical and practical. Provide students with basic information on the different biological structures of the human body's organs and compare them with other organisms (structurally and functionally for devices) Using the necessary tools in the lab from slides, microscopes and samples in laboratory lessons, using the scientific terminology of zoology. Use of the Internet in purely the scientific information of the rapporteur and writing reports or in scientific research

3rd Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
ZO213 Cell Biology (Cytology) 03 Compulsory ZO102 +

The aim of the course is to let the students learning the basal knowledge of the cell structure and function; of animal tissues morphology and function and of the basal principles of the embryonic development.

ST210 Biostatistics 03 University requirement +

1.Streamlining statistical data with appropriate presentation to facilitate understanding and analysis.· 2. Express facts in a clear and accurate numerical manner rather than presenting them and expressing them in a constructive manner.Comparing different groups and finding a relationship between them.Statistical analysis and decision-making with a statement of degree of trust.

ZO211 Invertebrate Science I 03 Compulsory ZO102 +

This course provides a broad survey of the body plan, physiology, life history, ecology, and evolution of lower invertebrate phyla. Weekly laboratory sessions give students the opportunity to observe first-hand many of the invertebrate organisms studied in lecture.

CH210 Analytical Chemistry Gravimetric and Volumetric Analysis 03 Compulsory CH102 +

· الأسس والمبادئ النظرية المتعلقة بالتحليل الكمي الوزني والحجمي. · أنواع التفاعلات الكيميائية المستخدمة بالتحليل الكمي الوزني والحجمي. · الحسابات الرياضية المتعلقة بالتحليل الكمي الوزني والحجمي. · كيفية إعداد النتائج ومناقشتها بناءا علي التقنية المتبعة في التحليل. · تحديد الطريقة المناسبة لتحليل العينات كميا بالتقنيات الوزنية اوالحجمية.

ZO215 Comparative anatomy of vertebrates 04 Compulsory ZO102 +

Knowledge of the natural relationships and ancestral history of animals can only be gained by a comparative study of their parts (Comparative Anatomy) and of their mode of development (Embryology or Ontogeny). In addition to existing animals, fossil forms must also be taken into consideration (Paleontology), and by combining the results obtained under these three fields, it is possible to make an attempt to trace out the development of the various species or groups in time (Phylogeny). As the different phases of development of the species may be repeated to a greater or less extent in those of the individual, the fields of Phylogeny and Ontogeny help to complete one another. Therefore, Comparative anatomy is a tool to the fields of Phylogeny, Ontogeny, Homology, Anology and Homoplasy.

AR052 Arabic language 2 02 University requirement AR051 +

Accustom the student to clear expressions of his ideas in pronunciation and writing and the good use of punctuation marks.Developing the student's literary taste so that he realizes the aesthetic aspects of speech styles, meanings and images.Develop the student's spelling and writing ability and skill so that he can write correctly in all respects.Identify the beauty of the Arabic language and literature, and that the student acquires the ability to study the branches of the Arabic language.

4th Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
ZO212 General Entomology 03 Compulsory ZO102 +

The course provide a foundation in general entomology topics for undergraduate students where the course cover insect morphology and insect diversity, insect ecology and how insects important in ecosystem. In addition, the course will provide a good knowledge on the role of insects in transmitting lethal diseases to human and animals and the role of insects in controlling pests.

ZO214 General Genetics 03 Compulsory ZO213 +

The student will be able to understand the rules and foundations of inheritance.- The student will be able to know the method of inheritance. - The student will be able to use different methods to know the phenotype and genotype.

CS101 Introduction to Computers and its Applications 04 General +

This course aims to make student familiar with the computer operating system and possesses the ability to use Word text editing software and the ability to use Excel electronic spreadsheet program in addition to the ability to use PowerPoint presentation software

CH230 Organic chemistry 03 Compulsory CH101 +

• Familiarize the student with aliphate and aromatic hydrocarbons and carbonyl compounds.• Study the body chemistry and explain its different concepts.• Give a general idea of properties and methods of preparation and interactions for aromatic compounds, alcohol, phenols, ethers, aldehydes, ketones and carboxylic acids

CH215 Practical Analytical Chemistry 03 Compulsory +

• Theoretical and practical foundations for conducting neutralization and sedimentation titrations.• Types of tools and evidence used in neutralization and sedimentation calibrations and how to use them.• How to prepare standard solutions and conduct neutralization and sedimentation titrations practically.• Mathematical calculations related to the results of neutralization and sedimentation calibrations.• How to write down the results, present them, discuss them and prepare reports.

5th Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
CH300 Biochemistry 03 Compulsory CH230 +

• Knowledge of the composition and properties of amino acids, peptides, proteins, carbohydrates, fats and DNA• Knowledge of enzymes (classification, naming, applications), vitamins and enzymatic accompaniments• Know the metabolism of carbohydrates, fats and proteins.

C230P Organic chemistry Practical 01 Compulsory CH101 +

• Study the different techniques that the student needs to purify organic compounds.• Knowledge of how to calculate physical constants and methods of purifying various organic compounds.• Explanation of experiments and tests to identify functional groups commonly used in organic compounds.

ZO311 general Embryology 03 Compulsory ZO215 +

The overall goal of Embryology course is to engage students in learning the key concepts related to the development of embryonic cells, tissues and organs. The lecture course is a study of embryology with emphasis on the fundamental developmental processes of vertebrate embryos. Topics include gametogenesis, fertilization, and development of the embryo from zygote through the differentiation of the neural tube, nervous system, sense organs, and the cardiovascular, digestive, respiratory, and urogenital systems. The required laboratory complements the lecture material with a comparison of sea urchin, frog, chick, and pig embryos. Histological, preserved, and selected living materials are studied to illustrate gametogenesis, fertilization, and development of the vertebrate embryo from zygote through the differentiation of organ systems in amphibian, avian and mammalian embryos.

ZO312 General Ecology 03 Compulsory ZO102 +

This course is designed to provide an overview of general Ecology concepts and environmental terminology. The course seeks to teach the students to apply their knowledge of the principles of ecology. They will increase their knowledge about the ecosystem and natural balance, ecosystem productivity, factors affecting the distribution of organisms and principal of applied ecology. Moreover, brief knowledge on the pollution, environmental impact assessment and habitat conservation.

ZO313 General Parasitology 03 Compulsory +

- Introducing the concept of parasitism and parasites - Detailed familiarity with parasites that infect humans and animals (general form and life cycle) - Introducing the medical and economic importance of their role in the incidence of diseases - How to deal with samples of parasites of various kinds.

ZO320 Comparative physiology 04 Compulsory CH230 +

· Study the basis of comparative physiology. · Knowledge of the vital systems that make up the body of a living organism and how these systems perform chemical and physical processes · Knowledge of the overlap between the functions of different animal system through the processes of receiving and transmitting signals

ZO315 Invertebrates II 03 Compulsory ZO211 +

· Determination of clinical signs of infection in fish populations that live in nature or in confined spaces such as aquaculture. · Identify common diseases of fish using appropriate diagnostic procedures · Know the most important causes of fish diseases and how to distinguish them.

6th Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
ZO319 Natural History of Vertebrates 04 Compulsory ZO312 +

· Learn about the natural history of vertebrate. · Time scale of evolution. · Early vertebrate fossils and their coincidence with the movement of the continents. · Biological concepts of vertebrate evolution.

ZO327 Principles of Forensic Sciences 03 Compulsory +

• Teaching the student the concepts of forensic science and forensic biology and its applications. • Teaching the student the concept of the crime scene and the legal and ethical rules regulating this science, and defining the scientific methods and techniques used to detect evidence at the crime scene. • Teaching the student the different types of forensic evidence and the relationship of this science to different sciences. • Familiarize the student with the legal and forensic implications of evidence and the limitations of interpreting data when used as evidence for testimony in the courtroom.

ZO321 Scientific Writing 01 Compulsory +

The purpose of the course is to teach students how to structure a thesis, and how to make all sections of the text more effective. What constitutes effective study communication will also be covered in the training.

ZO 317 Toxinology 02 Elective CH230 +

v Introduce the student to the basic principles of Toxinology v Familiarity of students with the types of venomous and poisonous animals in v Explaining to the students what Antivenoms are and how they are prepared v Teaching the students the differences between Antivenoms and Vaccines

ZO318 Accurate technique 01 Compulsory CH230 +

The student will be able to understand the rules and foundations of preparing slides for different tissues. The student will be able to know how different types of microscopes work.- The student will be able to use different methods for dyeing different tissues. - -The student is aware of the difference in the way of dealing with the different tissues or organs of the organism. - The student is familiar with the types of dyes used in the preparation of different tissues.

ZO314 Environmental Pollution 02 Elective ZO312 +

· To familiarize the student with how to study pollution and types of pollutants in the environment as well as the terminology used in the field of environmental pollution. · Introducing the negative effects of pollution on the environment · Introducing the most important diseases resulting from pollution · Definition of how to reduce pollution and pollutants

BO307 General Microbiology 04 Compulsory BO102 +

Knowledge of microbiology, its history, its branches and its relationship with other sciences.Knowledge of the accurate and comprehensive classification of bacteria and identification of microorganism physiology through growth, reproduction and growth factors, nutritional needs and nutrition by isolating and developing bacterial samples in the microbiology laboratory and microscopically examining them. Recognize viruses and some viral diseases and methods of resistance and immunity in the human body to these macrobiotic and understand the relationship between bacteria and antibiotics and the risk posed by bacterial resistance to antibiotics.

7th Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
CH474 03 General +

ZO400 Oceanography 02 Compulsory ZO312 +

• Learn about the importance of oceans and how they are formed• Knowledge of the physical and chemical characteristics of the environment.• Understand the topography of the ocean and the organisms that inhabit it. • Realizing the environmental and climatic differences that affect the diversity of ocean waters and living organisms

ZO414 Planktology 02 Compulsory ZO413 ZO415 +

Know the environments in which Plankton live . Understanding the influence of factors on planktonic distribution geographically and in its environment (Water column) . Learn about plankton, its types, methods of collection, and its importance. Determine the relationship between the nature of plankton and the environment that surrounds it.

ZO415 Marine Biology 03 Compulsory ZO312 +

· Determination of clinical signs of infection in fish populations that live in nature or in confined spaces such as aquaculture.· Identify common diseases of fish using appropriate diagnostic procedures · Know the most important causes of fish diseases and how to distinguish them.

ZO449 Research Methodology 02 Compulsory +

· The student knows the foundations of scientific research methods in the field of entomology.· The student can write research projects projects.· • Knows the methods of writing reports and scientific research, including his graduation project. · The student knows the different ways to present the results.

8th Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
ZO413 Aquatic Ecology 03 Compulsory ZO312 +

· Identify the concepts of aquatic ecology (fresh, estuarine and marine)· Knowledge of aquatic ecosystems and wetlands· Identify the environmental factors of aquatic ecosystems· Knowledge of biodiversity in ecosystems. · Knowledge of the threats to aquatic ecosystems and ways to reduce them

ZO417 Fish biology 04 Compulsory ZO415 +

· Definition and classification of Libyan fish, the endemic and invasive· Knowledge of fish biology, behavior, and their environments, and how to study some indicators that reflect their health and reproduction.· Learn the biological and functional strategies of fish and the anatomical organs. · An understanding of how fish adapt to their environment, such as buoyancy and osmosis.

ZO418 (Aquaculture 03 Compulsory ZO414 ZO417 +

· introducing aquaculture, emphasizing its significance, and understanding the goals of both the traditional and modern aquaculture techniques.· Characteristics of species required for aquaculture and the key determinants of aquaculture success (nutrition and reproduction).· How to determine a site for aquaculture and what conditions must be fulfilled for it? · Libyan aquaculture: its past, present, and future.

ZO419 fish parasitology) 03 Compulsory ZO313 ZO417 +

· Determination of clinical signs of infection in fish populations that live in nature or in confined spaces such as aquaculture.· Identify common diseases of fish using appropriate diagnostic procedures · Know the most important causes of fish diseases and how to distinguish them.

ZO420 01 Compulsory ZO415 +

· Learn about the marine protected area concept · Learn about marine ecosystems · Knowledge about the marine biodiversity · Impact on the marine ecosystem · The important of MPA

ZO450 Project 02 Compulsory ZO449 +

· Prepare students to continue working in the work environment.· Introduce students to the elements of the basic structures of searching for an overview.· Implementation of an applied project using all the gains of studying theoretical and practical courses.· Learn how to develop an initial perception of problems.· The student should master the photography skills created by the project.· To deepen the theoretical basis of a legitimate subject, and to master the benefit from the sources of research and studies that revolved around a legitimate subject.