Master in analytical chemistry

University of Tripoli - Department of Chemistry



This program grants a Master degree  in  analytical  chemistry by studying a number of general, specialized and supporting courses, and after passing them, a research project is presented in one of the analytical chemistry topics supported by laboratory experiments.


1. Providing the community with scientifically qualified chemists with high skills in all fields of analytical chemistry to work in many scientific centers, clinics, food control laboratories, water laboratories, oil companies, and quality laboratories.

2. Training and supporting students in carrying out their research and teaching tasks.

3. Supporting scientific research and contributing to the field of analytical chemistry.

4. Graduating highly qualified chemists in the field of analytical chemistry at various levels of education (schools and universities)


After completing the courses of the Analytical Chemistry Program, the graduate must have acquired knowledge and skills and be able to:

1. Determine the best method for chemical analysis

2. Addressing theoretical errors during the analysis process.

3. Learn the skills of dealing with devices and expressing and processing results.

Certificate Rewarded

Master degree

Entry Reuirements

1. The student must have an academic qualification.

2. To pass the entrance exam and the personal interview, if the college deems it so.

Study Plan

The Master in analytical chemistry prepares students to qualify for Master in analytical chemistry. The student studies several subjects which have been carefully chosen in this major to cover its different aspects.

It comprises 6 Semesters of study, in which the student will study a total of 36 units, which include 14 units of general subjects, and 14 major units, 6 of elective units. In addition to a final project in the student's major.

Study plan for this program is shown below:

1st Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
CH612 Analytical Chemistry Advanced 03 General +

Introduce the student to:1) Solving advanced problems and mathematical calculations in gravimetric analysis and studying its types in detail, studying thermogravimetric analysis2) Studying equilibrium states in complex systems in aqueous solutions and studying mathematical calculations and their variations3) Knowledge of the theoretical foundations and principles of automatic chromatographic analysis of devices such as HPLC-MS, GC-MS,4) Knowledge of the theoretical foundations and principles of automated spectroscopy analysis of devices such as UV, FTIR, NMR, AAS, ICP-MS5) How to apply the principle of quality in methods and results and use Microsoft Excel in processing the results.

CH622 Advanced inorganic chemistry 03 General +

This course aims to:• The student should explain the science of coordination compounds and the types of bonds in them.• To explain the composition, characteristics, and physical and chemical properties of compounds of transition elements depending on theories of crystal field, molecular orbitals and related field theory.• Explain the concepts of chemistry of the lanthanides and actinides by studying the oxidation states - and the physical and chemical properties of both.• Clarifies the problems related to the chemistry of transitional and internal transition elements with solutions to them - by exercising higher-order thinking skills and analyzing, interpreting and discussing results and information.

CH632 Advanced organic chemistry 03 Compulsory +

This course aims to:1) Familiarity with the skills necessary to understand organic interactions.2) Learn about the reactions that form a carbon-carbon bond. 3) Familiarity with electrophilic and nucleophilic interactions and free radical interactions.

2nd Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
CH642 Advanced Physical Chemistry 03 Compulsory +

This course aims to:1) Understand the basics and laws of thermodynamics and study the thermodynamics of electrolytic and non-electrolytic solutions, in addition to identifying the equations of state for real gases.2) Learn the basics of statistical thermodynamics.3) Studying and knowing the theories of quantum mechanics, including postulates, and how to deal with influences and their applications in explaining some phenomena that classical mechanics failed to explain.4) Studying the non-time-dependent Schrödinger equation and its applications, in addition to angular momentum and its applications.

CH651 Advanced biochemistry 02 Compulsory +

This course aims to:1) The importance of proteins and their relationship to the human body.2) The relationship of RNA to some human diseases.3) Knowledge of medical applications about the nature of fats.4) Diagnosis of diseases resulting from defects in metabolic processes, especially sugars, nucleic acids, proteins and peptides

3rd Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
CH613 Green Chemical Analysis 02 Elective CH612 +

1. An understanding all the methods of green analytical in the lab. 2. Development of problem-solving skills comes with a combination of green analytical knowledge and experience. 3. An understanding of the green chromatography and green spectroscopy, and Process Analytical Technology (PAT). 4. To learn a series of green methods to qualitatively and quantitatively characterize a sample or chemical systems

CH614 Advanced Chromatography 02 Compulsory CH612 +

Introduce the student to:Knowledge of the theoretical foundations and principles of modern automated chromatographic analysis, and modern separation methods for devices such as MPIC, SPE, SPME, EP, AEP, HPIC, IC, AIC, HPICE,• Knowledge of the theoretical foundations and principles of automated spectral analysis of devices such as Tandem-MS, QQQMS, Capillary electrophoresis, CE-MS, NPIC, RPLC, IEX, HILIC, SEC, AC, AGC • Knowledge of theoretical calculations related to the work of these devices, and modern separation methods.• Knowledge of the practical applications of modern methods and devices in various environmental analyzes.

CH615 Advanced Elctroanalytical Chemistry 02 Compulsory CH612 +

· The ability to explain, at an advanced level, the theories and causes behind concepts of advanced electrochemical methods such as the electrical double layer, polarization, convection, migration, diffusion, capacitance/impedance, electro catalysis and their significance when applying different stationary and dynamic electro analytical techniques. · The ability to describe the structure and function of different instrument components, e.g. reference electrodes, ion-selective electrodes, different electrode materials that are used in labs, electrochemical flow cells, etc. · The ability to produce, characterise and apply chemically modified electrodes in advanced electrocatalysis and to evaluate scientifically relevant information. · The ability to produce, characterise and apply biochemically modified electrodes in bioelectrocatalysis (enzyme based amperometric biosensors.

4th Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
CH**1 Special topics 02 Elective CH612 +

As chosen by the lecturer and the student

CH**3 Seminar 02 Elective CH612 +

As chosen by the lecturer and the student

CH616 Advanced Spectroscopy 02 Compulsory CH612 +

Introduce the student to:• Knowledge of the theoretical foundations and principles of automated advanced spectral analysis of devices such as SEM, XPS, TEM, XRD, XRF, AUX, EIS, ESEM, EXAFS, AES, NMR • Knowledge of theoretical calculations related to the work of these devices• The student learns how to operate the devices and learns their skills• Knowledge of the practical applications of these devices in various environmental analyzes.

CH619 Environmental Chemistry 03 Elective +

· An understanding of the chemistry of natural waters and of their pollution and purification and understanding the soil chemistry principles, green environmental principles. · An understanding of the nature, reactivity, and environmental fates of toxic inorganic and organic chemicals in water, air, and soil. · An understanding of the chemistry of the stratospheric ozone layer and of the important ozone depletion processes, green house effects and calculations, photochemistry. · An understanding of the chemistry of important tropospheric processes, including photochemical smog and acid precipitation.

5th Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
CH699 Research project 03 Compulsory +

According to what is agreed upon by the supervisor and the student, with what is included in the laboratory experiments

TW600 Technical Writing 03 Compulsory +

This course is designed to achieve the general objectives in the form of outputs that the student is supposed to acquire after successfully completing the course, as follows: The ability to organize the research program (graduation project) and coordinate it.Writing in a smooth, harmonious manner and in a scholarly context.Organizing and arranging ideas.Preparing a research proposal and writing scientific reports according to the requirements of the plan.Describe and analyze tables and figuresWriting a graduation project

6th Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
CH.699 Research project 03 Compulsory +

According to what is agreed upon by the supervisor and the student, with what is included in the laboratory experiments